Dr. Yein Jin, Violin & Viola

Cincinnati Violin Lessons

A native of South Korea, Violinist and Instructor Dr. Yein Jin earned both the Master of Music and Doctoral of Music Arts degrees in violin performance at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music with University Graduate Scholarship Award under Piotr Milewski. She also studied Chamber music with Sandra Rivers, Lee Fiser, James Tocco and William Grubb.
Dr. Jin is an active chamber and orchestra musician. She has performed at Music 08 festival with Steve Reich, Grandin Festival, "Daniel Drake Medal Ceremony" by College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, and "The sights, sounds and tastes of Korea" Festival in Cincinnati Women's Club. As an orchestra player she was in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s training program, the Civic Orchestra of Chicago. Currently Dr. Jin is a member of the  Kentucky Symphony Orchestra, Lexington Philharonic Orchestra, and the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra.